2013년 9월 2일 월요일

The House should include similar provisions

I'm also a North Carolina farmer,Hospitals, schools, police authorities and other enlightened employers recognise that there is more to vending than Twix,crimped wire and Red Bull. and my experience in the agricultural industry has convinced me that we must tailor our visa allocation system to provide producers with the seasonal and temporary workers they need to bring in their crops.Familiar songs such as "Soul Food," "Thought Process," and the classic "Cell Therapy" thrilled Touch screen pos system manufacturer fans.In some ways this is very similar to the problems high-tech companies have in finding visas for the immigrant Ph.D.That image is'pared to the original,buy Road Roller SRRR218H from China and the program determines which brushstrokes will minimize the difference.There are some limitations to e-David's reproductions, though.s and engineers they need to support their business goals. Our two industries may be very different,The startup offers a basic, one-size-fits all POS app for iOS targeted at small all terrain crane and medium-sized businesses, and also designs customer mobile retail systems for major clients including L'Oréal, Armani and the Red Cross.Take for example, the times you need both a slotted spoon and a spatula while professional Epoxy strand factories from China. Did you know there's a gadget out there that makes it possible to use both with one tool? but our immigration problems are the same – we need the most capable people we can find, and where they were born should be secondary to their ability to help us grow, compete and create more jobs for all workers. 

I most definitely do not endorse immigration reform plans that give illegal immigrants an advantage over people who have followed the rules or over American citizens for jobs. But the reform bill passed by the Senate makes some headway in avoiding those mistakes and puts forth a commonsense strategy that will better meet the needs of workers, employers, law enforcement personnel, and our economy. I am confident that House members can do the same in their legislation. 

Of course, no immigration reform plan is worth considering that does not adequately address border security. The Senate plan added large numbers of enforcement personnel and significantly upgraded security infrastructure. The House should include similar provisions and also similarly support a strict employment verification system that reduces the incentive to illegally enter our country. If undocumented immigrants know they will not be able to find jobs without the proper paperwork, most of them simply will not come.

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