2012년 8월 30일 목요일

Vic Govt opts for machine-readable data by default

The Victorian Government will be able to begin releasing more of its data, by requiring agencies to produce all their data in a machine-readable format, unless there are privacy concerns.Victorian Minister for Technology Gordon Rich-Phillips said that data was one of the state's most-important assets."Each year, the Victorian Coalition Government invests millions of dollars in producing and acquiring high-quality data about our state", he said.

"Giving recurrent and reliable access to this data is a long overdue stimulus that Victorian businesses and the community will be able to finally harness in developing innovative applications that create new services or improve existing ones."He said that it was hoped that, with the release of government data, it would stimulate innovation, new technologies, services and jobs in the state.

Under a new data access policy that was unveiled by the government, from November this year, data collected by government agencies in Victoria will be made available to the public ,unless access needs to be limited for privacy, public safety, security, health or compliance reasons, the state government announced today.

2012년 8월 29일 수요일

The Machine back at the edge of another Artpark season

For four consecutive years Artpark has welcomed The Machine to help close Tuesday in the Park's season.Last year they played the final show, this year it is the second to last show of the series, which will close next week with The Charlie Daniels Band.The Machine will start promptly at 7 p.m. Single Stage Hammer Crusher Manufacturers,There is no opening act.The Machine performs the music of Pink Floyd, but they are not a run of the mill cover band.

The band has been in existence for 24 years, well ahead of many other bands that play Pink Floyd material. They also are known for stepping outside the box by performing unique sets each evening and covering every era of Pink Floyd.The New York City-based band features founding members Joe Pascarell (guitar, vocals) and Tahrah Cohen (Reversible Hammer Crusher suppliers), and long time band members Ryan Ball (bass, vocals) and Scott Chasolen (keys, vocals).

Pascarell recently announced that he is leaving the band he helped found to pursue other interests, so this will likely be the last time Pascarell will be performing at Artpark with The Machine.In a recent phone interview Pascarell reflected on his time in the band and performing at Artpark."I know the first time we played at Artpark they booked us for the next three years because they liked us so much. I love Artpark, the whole band does, and we look forward to the show every year."Pascarell said.

2012년 8월 23일 목요일

Curiosity becomes First roving machine on Mars

This afternoon the folks responsible for the NASA mission at their Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California announced that they'd begun to move forward on wheels. The Curiosity rover landed less than a month ago on the planet, it being another of NASA's successful landings in what's expected to be a long line of Mars explorations. The rover was announced today to have rolled forward about 15 feet before rotating its wheels 120 degrees and advancing another 8 feet in a new direction.

For the science fiction lovers amongst us there's also the announcement made today that this mission's managers have decided name the landing site "Bradbury Landing" in honor of the late writer. Ray Bradbury passed away this June and would have been 92 today, the day of this history next step in the NASA mission. Michael Meyer, lead scientist for the Mars Exploration Program at NASA headquarters, made their intent clear today.

Inside that conference you'll see old footage – also included below – of Ray Bradbury reciting his poem "If only we had been taller" at an event at Caltech on the eve of the craft Mariner 9 heading to Mars in 1971. This event is epic as well, with his words containing the power to launch our ships of the future – proof is all around us!

2012년 8월 22일 수요일

Custom BioShock pinball machine is Rapturous

There are plenty of geeky pinball machines in existence. You can conquer a pinball version of "Lord of the Rings," bash bumpers with Transformers, and roll your way through "Avatar."What happens when the object of your obsession isn't available in pinball form? You make your own. Pinball hacker/maker rasmadrak is going all BioShock on a custom-made pinball machine.

This ode to China vibrating feeder in pinball form takes plenty of details from the world of Rapture. Little Sister and Big Daddy make appearances and the whole color scheme is designed to play off the video game's look.Rasmadrak delves into all sorts of DIY pinball details about the build in quarry plant for sale, Poor Man's Pinball. If you ever wanted to read about putting an autolauncher together and choosing bumper cap colors, this is the blog for you.

The custom BioShock machine is still under construction, but I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. After this epic build is done, perhaps rasmadrak will take requests. I'm rooting for a "No More Heroes" pinball machine.

2012년 8월 15일 수요일

800-pound machine stolen from local brewery

An 800-pound canning line machine was stolen Sunday night or early Monday from Great River Brewery, 322 E. 2nd St., Davenport.Cellarman Tyler Krutzfeldt said the theft couldn't have been a one-man job."We're shocked this happened," he said Wednesday, still cleaning up from the theft and forging ahead with business with the help of donated equipment from other local breweries.

When staff came in about 7:30 a.m. Monday, they found aluminum cans were all over the floor, grain sacks were cut open and grain was on the floor and air lines that supply compressed air also were cut, Krutzfeldt said. Then they discovered that their canning line machine had been taken from the warehouse and two coolers were missing from the production area, he added.

There were no signs of forced entry."Someone must have snuck in," Krutzfeldt said.The last employee left sometime after Sunday's 6 p.m. closing time and the locks were checked, he said.The 10-foot-long machine is too large to be carried out by hand.Brew master Paul Krutzfeldt said someone must have used his fork lift, which he found in a nearby alley.He said he's looking to replace the machine, which is valued at $70,000 to $100,000. He called it the most important piece of equipment he owns besides the kettle that brews the beer. 

2012년 8월 14일 화요일

Mars, machines and the Minnesota connection

What's going on? Recently there has been a lot of attention paid to the so-called "skills gap." Some reject this idea, countering that it's nothing but a political ploy to suit business.Mobile crusher Professional Manufacturer As part of its higher-education reform project, the Citizens League, with which I'm working, was interested in finding out more about this supposed skills gap. We decided to learn more about one corner of this issue -- so I visited a number of machine shops.

I had never before set foot in a machine shop, nor any other manufacturing facility. So let me tell you first how dumbstruck I was, say, on the day I stared at an odd-shaped metal object that fit in the palm of my hand. The center was gouged out, and holes run through it every which way. What was it? A part for a "bionic" leg for returning war veterans who have lost a limb. The holes allow for wiring activated by brain signals, and for gears that allow the leg's mechanical foot to move nearly as smoothly as a flesh-and-blood foot. It, too, is made at Andrew.

There are machine shops sprinkled throughout Minnesota. Most are small and locally owned. But whether you're in jaw crushing equipment or St. Cloud or Alexandria, you notice the same thing when you walk through them. They are clean and well-lit and at a comfortable temperature. They can be noisy, but generally are not. From time to time, workers will be huddled together on a problem, but mostly they work at individual stations, in self-directed and independent work.

2012년 8월 9일 목요일

Machine learning system can ID cities via pics

It is instead the details woven into the urban fabric that form a pattern, according to a machine learning system that's part of a U.S.-French visual data mining project. Yes, computers are learning to ID your city just by looking at random photos.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and INRIA/Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris had the system look at 40,000 Google Street View images of Paris, London, New York, and Barcelona, as well as eight other cities to find frequent and unique elements.The machine learning program found features like the street signs, balconies, and lampposts of Paris to be distinct. Check out the vid below.

However, "it had more trouble identifying geo-informative elements for U.S. cities, which the researches attributed to the relative lack of stylistic coherence in American cities with their melting pot of styles and influences," according to a CMU release.In other words, U.S. cities are a bland mishmash of styles. As if we needed fancy-shmancy programs to reveal that.

2012년 8월 7일 화요일

Video Poker Machines Begin Arriving in Illinois

More than three years after the state approved video gambling, the first batch of machines is arriving at bars, veterans' establishments and truck stops.The machines should be up and running within a matter of weeks, as state officials iron out last-minute details.In Justice, about 25 miles from downtown Chicago, three poker terminals were recently installed in a side room at Chino's Pizzeria, where the tables are covered with green checkered tablecloths and pictures of classic cars line the walls.

"I want more business and there are people around here who like to play," said pizzeria owner Roberto "Chino" Vasquez. "Circular vibrating screen machine A lot of people have been asking about it."The pizzeria and bar is among the nearly 100 establishments that have been approved for state licenses. Hundreds more -- the list is 126 pages long -- await approval, according to the Illinois Gaming Board's website.

Within a year, up to 75,000 machines could be installed statewide, according to gaming officials.Sand washing machine manufacturers The state approved video gambling in 2009 to help fund a $31 billion construction program to fix schools, roads, bridges and other transportation projects. It was estimated to raise about $375 million a year for the state. A spokeswoman for Gov. Pat Quinn said updated projections have not been completed.

2012년 8월 2일 목요일

China's child-fuelled medal machine keeps cranking out Olympic gold

The only thing that matched the awesome speed of Chinese swimming star Ye Shiwen's bullet-like finish in the women's 400-metre individual medley last Saturday was the speed with which suspicion followed.Had the Chinese taken a page from the old, drug-tinged East German playbook?Was the 16-year-old swimmer on steroids?

Had Chinese trainers finally found a way around the International Olympic Committee's anti-doping tests?Chinese officials were enraged by the innuendo.The swimmer herself denied such suspicions, insisting that her gold-medal results “come from hard work and training.”And Ye would know something about that. China retains one of the most demanding and controversial training systems in the world, based almost entirely on the old Soviet Union model.

China was leading the medal count at the London Olympics after Wednesday, with 17 gold medals and 30 overall in the first five days of competition.Ye was plucked from a kindergarten class at the age of 6 in 2002 and has spent the last 10 years of her life in gruelling training sessions, in a system Britain's four-time Olympic gold medallist Matthew Pinsent has likened to child abuse.

2012년 8월 1일 수요일

Machine detects cancer earlier

A new technology in Wichita Falls is now available that will help in early detection of breast cancer and get a jump on fighting the deadly disease.Susan Basham, the coordinator for women's imaging at United Regional, Gyratory crusher manufacturer said the new 3-D mammography machines are new tools in the department's arsenal that will enhance the ability to diagnose breast cancer, especially in women who have dense breast tissue or a significant family history of the disease.

She said when the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the new technology in February 2011, she knew it was a piece of equipment that would benefit patients in the area.Basham said there are fewer than 100 facilities using 3-D mammography machines in the U.S.Mobile crushing plant and only three or four sites in North Texas."United Regional was very supportive in letting us have exactly what the women in our communities needed," she said of the nearly $1 million purchase of two machines and a radiologist workstation.

The new machines work similar to an MRI in that images are captured layer by layer; a traditional 2-D image captures a view one angle at a time much like an X-ray. It's particularly useful in women who have dense breast tissue, which makes it difficult for radiologists to detect some forms of cancer.Dr. Paul Bice, a Wichita Falls radiologist, said this technology gives him the opportunity to see several sections of the breast a centimeter at a time, making potential cancers identifiable.