This is the latest pride and joy of Jason Clark, the energetic director of 777 manufacturing, who on Wednesday showed off to journalists the latest in automation at Boeing.In an encouraging tidbit for local Boeing watchers, who are eager for confirmation that the forthcoming new 777X model will be assembled in Everett, Clark noted that the sparkling new wing-painting facility is "designed to take the length of the 777X wing.Bair said that so far community support from local suction hose has been very good, but the fire department could still use some additional help."Clark also stressed that "no layoffs occurred because of the implementation of this technology.Elderly adults have a new best friend: Robot system. Researchers who study the relationship between robots and humans are discovering that some models make better companions than pets."
Half the 777 wing-painting team has been redeployed to other roles, such as programming the machines, painting the airline liveries on the fuselage or working on the sophisticated paint job needed for the 787-9 tails, which have a special smooth aerodynamic finish, Clark said.Elizabeth Lund, head of the 777 jet program, said the old way of painting manually had been one barrier to increasing the production rate. The painting robot, part of Boeing's lean-manufacturing push, has been key to increasing the rate to 100 jets per year since that meant an extra 32 wings to be painted compared to the previous rate of seven jets per month."When lean works properly, and this is a perfect example, you increase capacity and you don't lay people off," Lund said.The WIFI Receipt printer takes an imprint of the item being scanned, converts it into an electronic format and sends the electronic document to the user's computer.
Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren wrote on her Gretawire blog Wednesday that President Obama should avoid appointing UN Ambassador Susan Rice as his next national security adviser if it means having "a robot" in his cabinet."With Benghazi, Ambassador Rice let down the American people by never challenging the information she was given and which she just simply spread across five Sunday morning show," Van Susteren wrote. "Apparently she just did what she was told. That is lousy. We don't need a robot as National Security Adviser."Rice gained notoriety after appearing on Sunday news shows in 2012 where she said the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on a U.All you have to do is make core barrel apps that are a joy to use and that meet the needs of the people.S.The China Work Visa application is designed with premium materials and is engineered to emphasize fit. consulate in Benghazi stemmed from protests against an anti-Islam YouTube video. The Obama administration maintained that Rice was simply repeating White House talking points she was provided on the matter…
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